Last week was really great. My sister flew in from Washington (state) and spent the week with Erich and I while Jonathon was in California. We hung out in Philly and NYC and had a blast. Sorry, no pics yet because I took them with the 35mm camera. But I have a recent picture of Erich at his best: playing with his H2 Hummer. At least this hummer gets good gas mileage!
Jonathon had a great time in California at the ESA Conference. I wish Erich and I could have gone with, but we wouldn't have had much to do during the day. Oh well. We had mucho fun anyway.
And now, we start packing for the big move. And, I'm trying to decide between working full time and part time. The biggest difference between the two is how much I end up paying in premiums for health insurance. You would think that by working at a hospital that I would get good health coverage at a decent price. Sadly, that has not been the case at any hospital I've worked at.
1 comment:
Insurance sucks.
You know, people wonder why there is no one who wants to go into "public service" jobs anymore. Police, firefighters, teachers, social workers, nurses. . .they get treated like crap by the gov. and are paid horribly. You would think for jobs that literally further the nation we could help out the people a little bit. . .
breathing. . .breathing. . .breathing!
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