Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Thursday, June 19, 2008

All hail the Tiny Saturn!

I got into a car accident yesterday morning. I was at an intersection slowing down behind someone who had stopped at a GREEN light. I had given a little "honk" so they would wake up but it didn't help. I had to slow down a little quicker than planned. All I saw in my rearview mirror was a big company van about to kiss my trunk. He hit me from behind going at about 35 mph and I hit the car in front of me. When we all pulled into a gas station to examine our cars and ourselves, he said he had turned his head because there was a squirrel stopped in the middle of the road (in oncoming traffic). All the rest of traffic was speeding along because the light was green.

I've been told by people who own very large vehicles, that they own them because they feel safer on the roads and are less likely to have damage done if in an accident. Well, our little Saturn has few scratches but no dents. The little car in front of me was also pretty unharmed except for a scratch. The only vehicle with any damage was the big ol' van which had a sizable dent in his front bumper. So throw the "big car" theory out the window!!! All hail the Tiny Saturn!

We all felt okay and since the damage was minimal we agreed to just exchange phone numbers. Well, on my way home I started feeling the pain in my neck, shoulder and left arm. I ended up having Jonathon take me to the urgent care center and was treated for whiplash. But, because it was an auto accident, my health insurance won't cover my costs unless I have a police report. So, now I have to go to the police station and file a late police report. I'm annoyed, but thankfully everyone was alright.

Monday, June 16, 2008

Happy Father's Day & Happy Birthday

June 2008
Originally uploaded by sillyschramm
First of all, to my wonderful husband:
You have been such a wonderful father for our son. You have really risen to the challenge and exceeded the expectations. Erich is so lucky to have a daddy who is so involved in his life and who is a great role model. Erich and I love you so much!

And, to my little guy:
You are now two years old and still full of surprises. Being parents to you has been mostly joy with a little bit of challenge. Your easy-going nature and great personality are such a blessing. We look forward to the next steps in your growth and pray that God will give us all many more years together. Daddy and Mommy love you!

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Are we in Kansas? (Part 2)

Storm June 8 '08 (24)
Originally uploaded by sillyschramm
Our house is the grey one. A very tall street tree across the street from us had one of its major limbs blown over, which knocked down an electrical/telephone pole which then came crashing down on our deck. Click on the photo to see more through our flickr account.

Sunday afternoon I was sleeping after a night of work when I thought I heard the tornado sirens (which was weird after such a nice day). My neighbor was out on the porch and flagged me down and I ran with her and her two girls down to their basement (which happen to be a little easier to get to than mine). We heard a crash and the lights flicked off, then on again after a few seconds. Then the storm was over and this is what we saw in its aftermath. Thankfully, Jonathon and Erich were over at his parents' house, and everyone was safe. And, fortunately, we're getting a new deck, which was very overdue (it was rotting anyway).

So that's our story. We finally have our phone and internet back on and we were lucky enough to have power through it all(ours is fed from the side street since we're on a corner).

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Are we in Kansas?

We had a very interesting weekend filled with storms and rain and microbursts. In some areas they actually had tornadoes. We got off pretty lucky compared to some, but we experienced our own damage. I don't have pictures because we still don't have phone or internet but I will have them, hopefully, within a week or so. So, check back in a while. I'll tell the whole tale along with the pictures then. We are all safe and sound and our house is mostly intact, and that's what is important.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

He has a job!!

October2004 155
Originally uploaded by sillyschramm
Yes, friends, Jonathon finally heard from MSU and he has a job. He will be doing a two-year post-doc doing research on effective teaching methods in science. This is only half-time, but there is another half-time position in the works doing outreach for the bioenergy research already underway.

Translation: I'm a nurse and I don't really know everything he will be doing because it sometimes sounds like Japanese to me. But if you would like more info, I'm sure Jonathon will be happy to explain it all to you.

I'm happy, because I will no longer be soley responsible to put bread (or bulgar wheat) on the table. I will be able to cut my hours back somewhat. I LOVE my job but it's very emotionally draining at times.

So, that's our happy news. Praise the Lord!!