Monday, March 31, 2008

Is there a Doctor in the house?

Traverse City
Originally uploaded by sillyschramm

Jonathon successfully defended his dissertation on Thursday, March 27, and can now add the letters PhD after his last name. We are both so relieved this hurdle has been jumped. He still has more work to do in order to publish some of his writing, but all in all, he feels a real burden has been lifted.

Now, do you all know of any job openings for an ecologist?

Monday, March 24, 2008

A Christmas Story?

Easter Egg Hunt
Originally uploaded by sillyschramm
No, this is Easter in Michigan. What a surprise to have an Easter Egg hunt with 4-6 inches of snow on the ground. At least it was sunny. Erich had a great time "finding" the eggs in the snow. He caught on really quickly. He even learned how to steal eggs out of someone else's basket. My thieving little bambino.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Erich's first haircut

Erich's first haircut
Originally uploaded by sillyschramm
Our little man finally got his first haircut. He cried really hard while Jonathon was getting his haircut, but was stone-still while he got his own haircut. He did such a great job and looks great. There are more photos of the event on our flickr site.