Saturday, April 25, 2009

This one's for Connie

36 weeks pregnant
Originally uploaded by sillyschramm
Here you are, sis! Your very pregnant sister.

This picture was taken on our trip to Chicago last weekend. We had a great time going to museums and just enjoying the beautiful weather. We stayed in the Palmer House Hotel which was quite a site to see. I didn't get any great pictures of the hotel, but I'm sure if you google it, you can at least see pictures of the lobby.

We certainly are one of the only ones who enjoy Michigan's severe winters, but we're always glad to see the sun again and enjoy it's warmth. We are also fixing up our yard and doing all the lovely things homeowners get to do. It makes me glad we did the moving in part in the winter instead of having to do all of this in the spring/summer time.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Springtime cometh (very slowly)

I'm looking outside and there is still snow on the ground (we got about 6 inches on Monday). What is up with that?! When a road-clearing crew was interviewed in the newspaper they merely stated, "Yeah, we're pessimists, so we were ready for it." Only in the northern midwest states, I guess.

Despite weather, Jonathon has been busy planting blueberries, gooseberries, cranberries, etc. We have vegetables sprouting under a UV light in our dining room. I'm thinking it's a good thing we bought a house within walking distance of two parks, because there will be no yard left when he's done with his planting. And, we won't have to pay more at the grocery store for veggies coming from California, so there are perks being married to a locavore.

As far as baby news, we have only 5 1/2 weeks to go until the wee one is due to make an appearance. I'm planning on working up to my due date, but it's proving to be a challenge working 12-hour shifts in a very busy ER. Well, hey, if my water breaks at work, I just need someone to wheel me up to the third floor. And, all ER nurses are trained how to "catch" if things go quicker than expected (I've been having strange dreams about this latter scenario; hopefully strictly due to hormones).

And, that's the news. The only recent pictures I have are when Erich pooped in the potty for the first time, but I'm wisely choosing not to post that on our blog. You can thank me later for that.