Friday, January 2, 2009

Schrammling #2

Schrammling #2
Originally uploaded by sillyschramm
Okay, I know this blog is not very up-to-date, but who can really keep up with these things, especially during the holidays? Anyway, here is a picture of our little one baking in my uterus. He/she is doing great, according to the doctor. Despite laying off the caffeine the morning of my ultrasound, the baby was constantly moving/turning/punching/kicking during the ultrasound. The tech literally had to chase the baby around to get the pictures she needed. I'm not sure if this is supposed to tell me anything about what he/she will be like on the outside of the womb.

We had a great holiday season with multiple Chirstmas gatherings with family. We hosted at our new house two times and had a great time doing so. For New Years I, Katie, worked until 11pm and came home to ring in the new year with Jonathon, who was sleeping on the couch. It was nice to do nothing that evening and next day. Our "Holiday" cards will be coming shortly and then we will be sending them out, so please be patient. Thanks.