We arrived in Michigan Wednesday evening, just in time for a pretty wicked thunderstorm. Driving was a little harder the second day, because all of us were feeling a little under the weather.
Families share germs, as you all know. We happened to be sharing some form of Strep, I think. We made a trip to the Urgent Care Center yesterday. The doctor didn't have to look very hard before prescribing three rounds of antibiotics. The best part is, we took advantage of our last two days of medical coverage. We won't be covered again until November, so we squeezed right in there.
When I download pics again, I'll write another update. But for now, don't expect much. Walking up the stairs is quite the chore right now.
An Ecologist and a Nurse making their way through life on this hostile and wonderful place called "Earth."
Friday, August 31, 2007
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Moving Stinks

On a very good note, my friend from work, Ali, came over yesterday and played with Erich for four hours (minus a nap) so we could pack without interruption. THANKS ALI!! You may never understand how great that was. And my other work friend, Louela, is taking Erich on Monday so we can load the truck and paint. Friends really do come through for us and we are so grateful.
Okay, well I probably won't write again until we're in Michigan and settled so see ya in a few weeks. Please remember us in your prayers. Thanks!
Saturday, August 18, 2007
HAPPY BIRTHDAY (yesterday)!!!!

I actually had to go out and buy 9-inch round cake pans and this nifty cake presenter thingy since I had neither. I have a way of shopping and acquiring things right before a big move.

"Well, Happy Birthday, and whatever..."
I love you, Schramm!!!
Monday, August 13, 2007
Back on-line

Last week was really great. My sister flew in from Washington (state) and spent the week with Erich and I while Jonathon was in California. We hung out in Philly and NYC and had a blast. Sorry, no pics yet because I took them with the 35mm camera. But I have a recent picture of Erich at his best: playing with his H2 Hummer. At least this hummer gets good gas mileage!
Jonathon had a great time in California at the ESA Conference. I wish Erich and I could have gone with, but we wouldn't have had much to do during the day. Oh well. We had mucho fun anyway.
And now, we start packing for the big move. And, I'm trying to decide between working full time and part time. The biggest difference between the two is how much I end up paying in premiums for health insurance. You would think that by working at a hospital that I would get good health coverage at a decent price. Sadly, that has not been the case at any hospital I've worked at.
Saturday, August 4, 2007
Goodbye, for a week
Jonathon needs to take the laptop to California this week, and our desktop is broken, so I will not be online until next Sunday. It's amazing how dependent we grow on technology. I guess I'll have to "rough it" (with no pit-toilets, thank God).
Friday, August 3, 2007
17 Children???
Did you hear about the family who just had their 17th child? They estimate this woman has been pregnant for 10.5 years of her life. Well, I guess that's one way to avoid getting your monthly period. All I can say is they need their own personal landfill just to accommodate all those diapers (unless they use cloth; highly unlikely). They say it's a gift from God. That's true. But I also think birth control is a gift from God. While I'm on my soap-box I just have to say that I'm sure these parents are able to love all their children very much, but our world is so overpopulated already and their are so many children without stable parents or places to call home. I guess I'm saying, "Why not adopt and use that love for children who are not so fortunate." Okay, that's all for now.
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