Sunday, June 1, 2008

He has a job!!

October2004 155
Originally uploaded by sillyschramm
Yes, friends, Jonathon finally heard from MSU and he has a job. He will be doing a two-year post-doc doing research on effective teaching methods in science. This is only half-time, but there is another half-time position in the works doing outreach for the bioenergy research already underway.

Translation: I'm a nurse and I don't really know everything he will be doing because it sometimes sounds like Japanese to me. But if you would like more info, I'm sure Jonathon will be happy to explain it all to you.

I'm happy, because I will no longer be soley responsible to put bread (or bulgar wheat) on the table. I will be able to cut my hours back somewhat. I LOVE my job but it's very emotionally draining at times.

So, that's our happy news. Praise the Lord!!


Nikki & Ron said...

Hurray! I'm so happy for you guys! That's wonderful news!!

Rozema Family said...


Bulgar wheat??? Are you vegan??

Jonathon and Katie said...

No, we're not vegan. We're just hard to explain.