I started trying to think of some creative story to tell about how wonderful Jonathon is, how wonderful of a father he is. I have countless stories to tell, but my creative writing juices are running a bit thin today.
Jonathon has a lot of work to do, even after he comes home from the office. But, he always puts Erich, Tilia, and me ahead of those tasks. He will often stay up into the wee hours of the morning, getting work finished, because he came home, had dinner, played with the kids, helped me put them down for the night, walked the dog, finished cleaning the kitchen (because I'm allergic to hand-washing dishes), and spent time talking with his wife before diving into his work-related tasks. I often go to bed hours before Jonathon, even though we get up around the same time the next morning, ready to start a new day.
But this man always seems to have some energy on reserve. This is not to say he doesn't have weak moments (even we "well-rested" people do), but he always has a smile ready and open arms to his family. I think it's safe to say that Erich and Tilia have the best daddy EVER!