Tilia Kathleen was born yesterday morning (Cinco de Mayo) at 4:41am. She weighed 7lb 2oz and was 20 inches long. I only had 4 1/2 hours of very intense labor and am happy to be finished with that part. Erich is loving his new sister, although I'm not sure he really understands she's actually coming home with us, so we'll see how he reacts to that. Erich was also convinced, yesterday, that her name was Pearl and would get very upset when we called her Tilia. Today, though, he has been calling her the real name (we actually call her "Tilly"), but we won't be surprised if Pearl becomes a permanent nickname for her.
Tilia has taken to nursing very well, and seems to be pretty easy so far (I'm keeping my fingers crossed). She has a head full of spiky dark brown hair and is pretty much the cutest little girl ever! We're having a good time getting to know her and thankful that God has given us another healthy baby.
Congratulations! If I could, I would send you a card, or something, but alas, I have no mail until August! So, congratulations, God's blessings on Tilia, and all the best to your family as you embrace another member!
CONGRATULATIONS!! Where did he get Pearl?
I love the name! That's so cute! What's the meaning behind it?
"Tilia" is the latin name for the Basswood (or Linden) trees. Jonathon always liked this tree that he saw in the forest while doing his research. The American Basswood tree has large heart-shaped leaves and beautiful flowers in mid-June.
Erich likes the name "Pearl" from the movie "Finding Nemo." He now has resorted to naming most of his stuffed animals "Pearl."
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