Erich had fun, Saturday, doing chores with Grandma and Grandpa. What weather!! It was a beautiful, sunny day (about 40 degrees). Unfortunately all of our beautiful snow is completely gone.
Of course, now the snow is slowly returning and temps are dropping to the 20s this week. Ahhh...blessed Michigan winters. I think Jonathon and I are the only psychos who love this stuff.
Jonathon is currently in New Jersey working on revisions for his thesis. And, because he is gone, Erich is ill again. His teething, then coughing, then fevers, then thick yellow we go again. I'm sure he'll be better just as Jonathon gets back on Thursday.
Other than that, life is going well. We are looking forward to Jonathon defending in late February and then he will finally be Dr. Schramm!!
I adore your son! I will be praying for hubby-pie!
I require more photos of the Schramms! :)
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