Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Woe is Erich

The boy-child is cutting his one-year molars, which is probably why this viral thing has lasted so long. He is feeling much better, but not without the help of Tylenol every four hours. There is always a challenge... I'm not in a hurry because I know teenagehood is right around the corner. I'll take teething any day.

But on to the cute things he's doing these days... He loves to read his picture books, play with any wheeled toy, and go for walks on a nice day. He is walking/almost running everywhere. He is just a lot of fun to hang out with. Here are some recent pictures:

1 comment:

Rozema Family said...

What a sweet sweet boy! And I mean ALL BOY. . .look at that pose for the last one! He is to precious for words.