To any of you who have religiously followed this blog only to be disappointed by my lack of updates, I am truly sorry. I got caught up in facebook and am now realizing it's not really a good place to say what you truly want to say. I know, I find myself only gazing over the long status updates, not really reading it all. I think facebook has made me a little ADD.
Today I was once again reminded just how good I really have it. Today I have been very impatient with my children. After 3 long shifts in 3 days, my patience is thinning. I don't feel like I have a lot left. But then I read a friend's blog; a friend who is a nurse on a ship that travels from one poor country to another helping the most helpless have a shot at life. She told the story of a little girl who made such wonderful progress, then slipped rapidly back down and finally passed away this morning. I can only imagine the grief her mother is experiencing. Here I am, ready to give my children away for a moment's peace; I'm quickly shaken and want to hold on to them as tightly as I can. What a selfish fool I am (of course, very normal). If you would like to read her blog, just click the link "Ali's African Adventures" on the right side of the screen. Her stories are truly amazing.