Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Mother's Day up North

Originally uploaded by sillyschramm
We took a camping trip on Michigan's Upper Penninsula ("U.P."). Unfortunately, we had remembered everything except the tent poles. After a night in a motel we were able to catch the park ranger and get the only "mini-cabin" in Brimely State Park. It ended up being a blessing since the temperature sunk to the mid-30s at night with high winds off Lake Superior. Our cabin had a space heater which was very nice. Jonathon was disappointed at our lack of "roughing it", but I was glad to know we wouldn't have frozen to death.

We spent our time checking out a few lighthouses and scenic overlooks, playing on the beaches of Lakes Michigan and Superior, watching the ships come through Soo Locks in Sault Ste. Marie, eating fudge and pasties, and visiting an old Historic Mill town.

We came home a day early but spent our free day at the zoo and local market. We've enjoyed the time to spend as a family, especially before Jonathon has a job that will probably occupy a lot of his time.

1 comment:

Asimov13 said...

Hello, This is Zach l,
Just happy to hear you had a good camping trip. I have finished my spring semester and am doing well. I wish you an enjoyable summer.