Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Our summer news

Originally uploaded by sillyschramm
Just wanted to show off my very cute baby girl. It's amazing how much she looks like Erich. Did I mention she is sleeping through the night (90% of the time)? What a great baby. We feel very blessed.

And, Erich is officially potty-trained; he's actually wearing real underwear all the time. I'm so proud. It only took 7 months, but he did it!!!! And, he rarely wets at night, which I am SOOOO happy about.

This summer has been quite a roller coaster for our family, with the baby born in May, Jonathon teaching in May/June, Jonathon traveling a lot for work, me changing positions at the hospital, family visiting... We are finally going to be in the same place at the same time come this weekend. I will be breathing a major sigh of relief. It's been like a marathon. By God's grace we will reach the finish line alive and well.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Happy Birthday

Originally uploaded by sillyschramm
Well, his birthday was actually Monday and this picture was taken at his party on Sunday, but who's really keeping track?

My baby is 3 years old. Unbelievable!!! Although the details will fade, I will never forget the day he was born and how it felt to suddenly go from no children to being a mom. It's amazing how you just "shift" from one role to another. It's still amazing to see how he is changing every day and growing into a little man.

He can sometimes be a pistol, but he is such a sweet-natured little boy. We certainly enjoy him and thank God for such a wonderful son.

Friday, June 12, 2009


Sorry about the last picture not being "available." I actually went in and edited it, and it worked again. But, now I see it's on the fritz again. I'll try to get some new pics of the kids this weekend. Erich's birthday party is on Sunday. I can't believe he's going to be 3 years old.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Just an update

This photo was one of the "finalists" for our birth announcement (we chose a different one instead, but I still think this one's cute). Having a baby boy would have been easier to dress since we still have all of Erich's baby clothes, but there is something so great about dressing up a little girl. I just can't wait until 3-6 month clothes start fitting her; she has an outfit for everyday of a whole month, if I counted correctly.

Tilia is growing like a weed. I weighed her on our home scale and she was already 9 lbs 3 oz (2 lbs up from birth). We had only a few newborn clothes that she's growing out of, and now is into the 0-3 month arena. She pretty much eats, sleeps and poops. Occasionally she'll wake up and stare at a door frame or a light fixture. She's our little genius!!

Erich is turning three in a few weeks but has just recently entered his "terrible two's." I'm sure it has everything to do with us bringing Tilly home, but it still has caught us by surprise. Tilly will be able to sleep through just about any catastrophic event after having Erich around. He is still a very sweet boy, but there is no secret as to why I have already shed my pregnancy pounds (plus more).

My parents left for home (Washington state) yesterday morning after spending a little over two weeks with us. We had a nice visit despite my extreme fatigue of post-partum. We are fortunate to be able to visit them in August when Tilly is a bit older (and more interactive).

Jonathon is very busy at work. He is still working on his research for the Dept of Science and Math Education, and is also teaching a summer biology class. This is the first time he will be teaching the actual lecture (as a grad student he only taught the lab section). He is finding it a bit challenging in many different ways, but is glad for the opportunity to teach (which is what he ultimately would like to do anyway).

And, lastly, I am enjoying every moment I don't have to work. I like work, but I also like time off. I'm a little nervous about my return to work since I will be switching to the main adult ER (I'm only fluent in children currently). There was an opening with great hours and I'm very excited to have a consistent sleep pattern for the first time in many years. But please keep me in your prayers as I learn to deal with a very different population of people I'm not used to at all.

Well, that is our news as of late. We are thoroughly enjoying the Springtime here in Michigan. The weather is absolutely wonderful today (low 70's and sunny-ish).

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Tilia Kathleen was born yesterday morning (Cinco de Mayo) at 4:41am. She weighed 7lb 2oz and was 20 inches long. I only had 4 1/2 hours of very intense labor and am happy to be finished with that part. Erich is loving his new sister, although I'm not sure he really understands she's actually coming home with us, so we'll see how he reacts to that. Erich was also convinced, yesterday, that her name was Pearl and would get very upset when we called her Tilia. Today, though, he has been calling her the real name (we actually call her "Tilly"), but we won't be surprised if Pearl becomes a permanent nickname for her.

Tilia has taken to nursing very well, and seems to be pretty easy so far (I'm keeping my fingers crossed). She has a head full of spiky dark brown hair and is pretty much the cutest little girl ever! We're having a good time getting to know her and thankful that God has given us another healthy baby.

Monday, May 4, 2009

gardening 101

gardening 101
Originally uploaded by sillyschramm
Jonathon has been working hard getting his plants in this year. Springtime is very busy, but he's already taking the time to teach Erich the ways of the land. Notice Erich's farmer boots...we sometimes have trouble explaining why we don't wear them to church.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

This one's for Connie

36 weeks pregnant
Originally uploaded by sillyschramm
Here you are, sis! Your very pregnant sister.

This picture was taken on our trip to Chicago last weekend. We had a great time going to museums and just enjoying the beautiful weather. We stayed in the Palmer House Hotel which was quite a site to see. I didn't get any great pictures of the hotel, but I'm sure if you google it, you can at least see pictures of the lobby.

We certainly are one of the only ones who enjoy Michigan's severe winters, but we're always glad to see the sun again and enjoy it's warmth. We are also fixing up our yard and doing all the lovely things homeowners get to do. It makes me glad we did the moving in part in the winter instead of having to do all of this in the spring/summer time.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Springtime cometh (very slowly)

I'm looking outside and there is still snow on the ground (we got about 6 inches on Monday). What is up with that?! When a road-clearing crew was interviewed in the newspaper they merely stated, "Yeah, we're pessimists, so we were ready for it." Only in the northern midwest states, I guess.

Despite weather, Jonathon has been busy planting blueberries, gooseberries, cranberries, etc. We have vegetables sprouting under a UV light in our dining room. I'm thinking it's a good thing we bought a house within walking distance of two parks, because there will be no yard left when he's done with his planting. And, we won't have to pay more at the grocery store for veggies coming from California, so there are perks being married to a locavore.

As far as baby news, we have only 5 1/2 weeks to go until the wee one is due to make an appearance. I'm planning on working up to my due date, but it's proving to be a challenge working 12-hour shifts in a very busy ER. Well, hey, if my water breaks at work, I just need someone to wheel me up to the third floor. And, all ER nurses are trained how to "catch" if things go quicker than expected (I've been having strange dreams about this latter scenario; hopefully strictly due to hormones).

And, that's the news. The only recent pictures I have are when Erich pooped in the potty for the first time, but I'm wisely choosing not to post that on our blog. You can thank me later for that.

Friday, January 2, 2009

Schrammling #2

Schrammling #2
Originally uploaded by sillyschramm
Okay, I know this blog is not very up-to-date, but who can really keep up with these things, especially during the holidays? Anyway, here is a picture of our little one baking in my uterus. He/she is doing great, according to the doctor. Despite laying off the caffeine the morning of my ultrasound, the baby was constantly moving/turning/punching/kicking during the ultrasound. The tech literally had to chase the baby around to get the pictures she needed. I'm not sure if this is supposed to tell me anything about what he/she will be like on the outside of the womb.

We had a great holiday season with multiple Chirstmas gatherings with family. We hosted at our new house two times and had a great time doing so. For New Years I, Katie, worked until 11pm and came home to ring in the new year with Jonathon, who was sleeping on the couch. It was nice to do nothing that evening and next day. Our "Holiday" cards will be coming shortly and then we will be sending them out, so please be patient. Thanks.