Friday, October 24, 2008

Michigan Autumn

I do have some great photos of Michigan in the fall, I'm just too lazy to put them up at this very moment. The leaves are quickly falling from the trees, our flowers have finally succumb to the frost, and we had a dusting of SNOW/ICE on Thursday morning. Yes, you heard me correctly. I even remember is snowing on my birthday (October 15) while in Grand Rapids about 8 years ago. The good thing is, I love cold weather so I'm definitely living in the right place. Just thought I would share that with you.

Friday, October 17, 2008

To vote or not to vote...

I just read a friend's blog and now I'm fired up to say my piece.

I am so happy to live in a country where regardless of race, class, sex, personal beliefs, we are all able to vote for who we believe will be the "better" at running this country. Our fellow Americans worked very hard to earn us these freedoms. I really think it's our DUTY to vote.

I also think it's our DUTY to be educated about WHO and WHAT we are choosing to vote for. I will not use this blog to try to convince you who is the better candidate; that is totally up to you and your convictions. BUT, I don't know that I feel it's good to even go to the polls if you don't truly know your candidate.

Now, for arguments sake, we have to fish through a lot of junk to get to the truth. I pray for a lot of discernment when "fishing;" I pray God will help me to sift through the lies and get to the truth. We will all be deceived in some way just because we're human and satan LOVES this kind of thing to divide us.

PLEASE vote! PLEASE take time from your regular TV programming to learn about our candidates. Take advantage of the freedom we have, and the technology to stay informed.

News on the Home front

If you haven't already heard the news, our offer was accepted on a house. It is a foreclosed home so we need to rely heavily on our inspection next Thursday, but the house seems to be very well-kept. We are very optimistic.

I'm having an ethical dilemma about this house because I feel very sad for the family who had to move out due to foreclosure. We will end up paying about half of what the house is really worth. Good for us, definitely. But, I still feel a twinge of guilt for paying so little because of another family's tragedy. I know I can't dwell on it too much because there really is nothing I could have done to prevent the foreclosure. I'm just trying to see it purely as a blessing that God has found us a house we can afford and that we can easily grow into it if we end up staying here forever. I have no idea what the future holds, but not having to move because of space issues is a huge bonus.

So if anyone would like to visit, we've finally got the room!!!! After living in shoe boxes in New Jersey, we won't know what to do with ourselves. I think our furniture will be sparse for a long time, but that's fine by me. More room to just lay on the floor and stretch.

Friday, October 3, 2008

Schrammling #2

Schrammling #2
Originally uploaded by sillyschramm
I guess since it's not much of a secret, I'll blog it. We are expecting a new little Schramm around May 15. I've been feeling the effects of my pregnancy pretty much since the little guy (or girl) attached to my uterine wall, which has been interesting. I was lucky enough with Erich to not have many symptoms; I guess I'm just making up for it now.

In other news, Jonathon and I have started the process of buying our first home. Very scary, indeed. Now is probably the best time to buy since people are practically trying to give their houses away here in Lansing. Jonathon said to me last evening, "Now I know why people go through real estate agents; this stuff is way over my head." We probably won't get a phenomenal interest rate because of everything happening in the financial world (gag me with a fork), but we can compare it to the interest rates in the mid-80s and smile to ourselves.

Erich is talking in complete sentences. He says please and thank you (usually when prompted, of course). He's such a little man. Now we just need to convince him that going on the potty will make him the coolest person alive.

And finally, I get to reduce my hours at work. We figured out our budget and I need to work about 4 times per month to get by. I'm so very happy about that. I will be splitting my time between the Pediatric Emergency Room and the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit; my two loves (and hates).